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Welcome to the FRC website, and thanks for taking the time to check us out. We are a Christ-centered Spirit-filled church ever seeking to live into the love of God, our Father. Please explore the site and find out more about the exciting work God is doing at FRC. Of course, the best way to get to know us is to worship with us 10:30 Sunday morning or visit one of our Bible studies or small groups or serve others at one of our compassion ministries. Whichever way, we would love to meet you and extend a warm welcome! God bless you, and thanks again for stopping by.

          UPCOMING EVENTS               


The mission of the First Reformed Church of the Palisades is to exalt Christ, love God with every part of our being, love our neighbor as we would love ourselves, proclaim the gospel, and go and make disciples.



We believe that God is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Therefore, we believe that what God teaches us about Himself, His Son, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and humanity are essential for faith and practice.


Jesus taught us that selfless love of God, our neighbor, and seeking first His Father's Kingdom are sure signs that we are Christ-followers and filled with His Spirit. We value every virtue that Jesus said we would have if we are His followers and filled with His Spirit.



"Welcome to our site! I am so glad that you are here. Take a look around to learn more about who we are as a church, our mission and vision for Christ, as well as information about how you can get involved in any of our events and minstries. We welcome you to come visit our church! If you have any questions at all, I would love to connect with you. I can be contacted by clicking the button below!"


Reformed thought teaches that the whole ministry of Christ is found only when the whole congregation, including the elders, deacons, and ministers, is called to serve. The three offices-- elder, deacon, and minister--complement each other and together are described as making up the pastorate of a local congregation. It has been customary to call the minister "pastor," and that is appropriate. But the pastorate, the ministry of leadership, is only complete when all three offices work together, when they are mutually supportive and mutually accountable.




Adult Sunday School -

Bible Lesson at 9:30 AM

Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 AM

Childrens Church at 11:00 AM

Nursery available every Sunday


Our Sunday Worship Services can also be seen on our Facebook page live at 10:30 a.m.   Facebook.com/FRCPAL/






Take a look into all the ministries we offer. We feel as if there is a ministry for everyone. We would love it if you would join us!


We love questions!  If you have one, please feel free to contact us.  You may call or even email us.  We look forward to hearing from you.


FRC is a building that is filled with God's presence and people that are there to educate and support you in your Christian life.

Donna Albanese

I feel truly blessed to be able to serve the Lord here at FRC. A multi generational church that's such a blessing for nurturing younger parents, like me. Also great for raising up new believers.  FRC isn't only where I work, it's my church home where I come to worship! A place where all prodigal children are accepted!


Karen Evans

At FRC we are REAL. We make mistakes, we forgive, we have patience, we have fun and give hugs.  But most of all, we give LOVE! 

                     Cheryl Saputo



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